Tomas Getachew BEDANE
PhD Student
Main research question
My research aims at revising the diversity of fossil proboscideans from Ethiopia, as well as to study their paleoecology.
Topics of study
My work focuses on Elephas recki, an extinct relative of the Asian elephant, and on its different evolutionary stages between 3 Ma and 1 Ma.
I am interested in its dietary ecology, based on dental wear and tooth isotopic content.
I study the collections of the Shungura Formation (Lower Omo Valley), as well as those from the Afar Depression, dated from the Miocene to the Pleistocene.
Other responsibilities
Senior curator, Authority for Research and Conservation of the Cultural Heritage, Ethiopian ministry of culture and tourism.
- Build. B35 – 3rd floor, north wing – Room 412
Iconic publication
Rowan J., Lazagabaster I. A., J. Campisano C. J., Bibi F., Bobe R., Boisserie J.-R., Frost S. R., Getachew T., Gilbert C. C., Lewis M. E., Melaku S., Scott E., Souron A., Werdelin L., Kimbel W. H., Reed K. E. 2022 – Early Pleistocene large mammals from Maka’amitalu, Hadar, lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia – PeerJ 10:e13210 –