March 15-18 2022 : congress RIF

The congress of the French Society of Ichthyology will take place from March 14 to 18 at FIAP, Paris.

This year, a special Paleoichthyology session will host the network of paleoichthyologists in Europe.

The ‘Rencontres de l’Ichtyologie en France’ (RIF) are organised by the Société Française d’Ichtyologie (SFI). The purpose of the RIF is to disseminate knowledge and promote ichthyology in all its aspects: biology, biodiversity, ecology, genetics, evolution, fisheries, etc. of both freshwater and marine fish. They also aim to encourage young French-speaking ichthyologists in doctoral or post-doctoral training to express themselves orally and in print. This exercise is framed by guest lectures from established colleagues. Conferences organised at the end of the afternoon or in the evening provide an opportunity to discuss ichthyology in a convivial setting via films or animations on the themes of fish in their environment or the use of fish.

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